
Looking for something extra to have an edge in your game? 


Bundoora Park Golf Touring Professional Peter Lamaris is offering a number of key workshops with a dedicated focus on different aspects of the game. Up your game, better your score and lower your handicap!

Putting Workshop

This putting workshop will be conducted by our tour pro Peter Lamaris. He will be running the workshop with different stations that focus on the following areas:

  • Putting Technique
  • Speed Control
  • Competitive Games

Peter will also cover the following areas:

  • Pre Shot Routine
  • Green Reading (Visual and Aim Point Methods)

Limited to 10 people.

DATE: Thursday 27th March at 10am (1.5hrs)

COST: $70 per person

Chipping Workshop

Small group chipping sessions with Teaching Professional Peter to work through drills and tools. Make your chipping game a success to help you lower your scores round after round! 

Small group workshop, limited to 10 people.

Tuesday 18th March at 2.30pm (1.5hrs)

COST: $70 per person

Pitching Workshop

Small group pitching session with Teaching Professional Peter. Work on those pitching shots to get a higher ball flight, more spin and less roll when your ball hits the ground so your shots fly farther than chips and then stop quicker to give you the ability to save par from difficult circumstances.

Small group workshop, limited to 10 people.

DATE: Monday 24th March at 11am (1hr)

COST: $50 per person

Full Swing Clinic

This clinic will focus on giving you the visual and technical data to take your game to the next level.

• Work through concepts that underpin all good swings

• Swing themes and how to apply these to your own swing

• Understand club face

• Improve ball striking

• Ball direction control

Limited to 4 people.

DATE: TBC – Inquire today

COST: $50 per person

Play with a Tour Pro

This on course lesson experience involves playing 9-holes with our resident Touring Professional Peter Lamaris, where he will be offering advice on course management and displaying how he plays certain shots during the round. Peter will be able to answer all the questions you may have as well as talking you through the strategies he uses to help improve your scoring. Peter will be covering the following areas.

  • Assessing the lie
  • Assessing the wind
  • Picking targets
  • Club selection
  • Pre shot routine
  • Shot shaping
  • Recovery shots
  • Short game shot selection
  • Bunker play
  • Green reading
  • Cart included

Limited to 3 people.
DATE: Monday 31st March @ 11am + 1.30pm (2.5hr)

COST: $150 per person, includes carts

Driver Clinic

This driver clinic will be conducted by our Touring Professional Peter Lamaris. The focus of this clinic is to improve your consistency of contact, accuracy and distance with the use of trackman technology. 


Peter will assess the following:

  • Grip
  • Technique 
  • Power source

Limited to 5 people.

DATE: TBC – Inquire today
COST: $50 per person 

Bunker Clinic

This bunker clinic will be run by our touring professional Peter Lamaris. He will be covering all aspects of the bunker shot including:

  • How to practice effectively
  • How to consistently get the ball coming out of the bunker
  • Adjustments for soft sand
  • Adjustments for firm sand
  • How to hit it higher
  • How to to accurately judge distance
  • How to escape from plugged lies

Limited to 4 people.

DATE: TBC – Inquire today
COST: $50 per person

Want to know more?

Keen to learn more or book into a workshop with Peter? Give us a call in the Golf Shop today!